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The first Cyber-MAR review meeting was held on 10th of November 2020, virtually due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the cascading effects of travel cancelling.

The project coordinator (ICCS) provided a thorough presentation of each WP’s progress during the first year of the project. The WP leaders presented in detail the work done so far, demonstrating results, facts and achievements as these have occurred during the first 12 months lifetime.

The EU was represented by the Cyber-MAR Project Officer, Mr. Markus Mueller and two reviewers. The first one was associate professor at Vilnius University, faculty of Mathematics and Informatics with experience in cybersecurity, including cyber trainings and exercises and the second one Vice President and delegate for Educational Offering UNINT (Rome University for international studies) and president of Fondazione FORMIT, background Economy with an Executive Master in ICT Engineering, external expert in ENISA Working Group on economics of security and resilience.

The concluding output was related to the satisfactory progress of Cyber-MAR team and the anticipation of the upcoming activities.