Cyber-MAR will not miss the opportunity to foster its developments and outcomes in relevant conferences, workshops and other events. This section includes the available for download material performed for the presentation of Cyber-MAR project in such events.
Conference Material
Why Maritime Cyber-security?
Dr Kimberly Tam (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │CS Talks #11, 28.03.2023
EU Coastguard Cybersecurity Working Group” (ECCWG)
Monica Canepa (WMU)
Presentation (PDF) │ Workshop of the ECGFF Cybersecurity Working Group, 06-07.02.2023
Future of Maritime Autonomy
Dr Kimberly Tam (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ Reardon Smith Nautical Trust, 7.12.2022
Cyber-security of evolving maritime technology
Dr Kimberly Tam (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ Marine Autonomous Systems Showcase 2022, 08-10.11.2022, Southampton, UK
Future of Maritime Autonomy: Cybersecurity, Trust and Mariner’s Situation Awareness
Juan Dorje Palbar Misas, Rory Hopcraft and Dr Kimberly Tam (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ International Ship Control Systems Symposium (iSCSS 2022), 08-10.11.2022, Netherlands
Raising the Standard of Maritime Voyage Data Recorder Security
Mr. Rory Hopcraft and Avanthika Vineetha (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ Cyber-SHIP Lab Annual Symposium 2022, 26-27.10.2022, London
Hybrid Cyber Ranges for maritime needs
Presentation (PDF) │2nd ENISA Maritime Cybersecurity Conference, 14.10.2022
Cyber-MAR: A real world attack scenario
Dr Kimberly Tam, Mrs. Avanthika Vineetha Harish and Mrs. Chloe Rowland (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ Sea Tech Week® 2022, 26-30.09.2022, Brest, France
Evaluation of monetary impacts of cyber-attacks on global supply chains in port
VTT (Mr. Harri Pyykkö & Dr. Ville Hinkka) and UoP (Dr. Kemedi Moara-Kkwe)
Presentation (PDF) │ Hamburg International Conference of Logistics, 21-23.09.2022, Online
Cyber-MAR dynamic Awareness Raising – An Integrated Maritime Cyber Risk Management Approach
M. Canepa (WMU), R. Hopcraft (UoP), S. Karamperidis (UoP), F. Ballini (WMU)
Presentation (PDF) │ International Association of Maritime Economists Conference 2022 (IAME Conference 2022), 15.09.2022, Busan, Korea
Cyber Physical Lab Environment for Maritime Cyber Security
Wesley Andrews, Avanthika Vineetha Harish, Rory Hopcraft, Juan Dorje Palbar Misas, Kevin Jones, Kimberly Tam, Chloe Rowland (UoP),
Presentation (PDF) │ DEF CON 30, 11-14 August 2022, Hybrid event, Las Vegas, Nevada
Design and proof of concept of a prediction engine for decision support during cyber range attack simulations in the maritime domain
Markos Antonopoulos, Giorgos Drainakis, Eletherios Ouzounoglou,Giorgos Papavassiliou, Angelos Amditis (ICCS),
Presentation (PDF) │ 2022 IEEE CSR Workshop on Cyber Ranges and Security Training (CRST), 28.7.2022, Online
Cybersecurity & Autonomy Understanding cyber related risks and vulnerabilities
Dr.Kimberly Tam, University of Plymouth (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │IMarEST Annual Conference 2022, Online, 04-08.07.2022
Simulatted cyber attacks on vital assets to better understand risks
Eric Weber, (Marketing Manager CTS, Thales), Guillaume Prigent (President and Co-founder) & N.Diaz (Comm & Cyber Projects, Diateam)
Presentation (PDF) │Thales Media Day 2022, 31.05.2022
Maritime cyber security
Dr. Monica Canepa, World Maritime University (WMU)
Presentation (PDF) │EU Coastguard Cybersecurity Working Group Meeting, Spalato, Italy, 11.05.2022
Maritime cyber attacks
Kimberly Tam, University of Plymouth (UoP), England
Presentation (PDF) │56th EMPA General Meeting, Online, 27-28.04.2022
Securing Maritime
Professor Kevin Jones, University of Plymouth (UoP), England
Presentation (PDF) │Nor-Shipping 2022, NOVA Spektrum, Oslo, 06.04.2022
Cyber Awareness Raising – An Integrated Maritime Cyber Risk Management Approach
Dr Stavros Karamperidis, University of Plymouth (UoP), England
Presentation (PDF) │ΙΑΜΕ 2021 Rotterdam, Hybrid event, 27.11.2021
Maritime Cybersecurity – The Business of Protection
Dr. Kimberly Tam, UoP, England
Presentation (PDF) │2021 Maritime Risk Symposium, Virtual event, 02-04.11.2021
Adaptive Maritime Cyber Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Dr. Kimberly Tam, UoP, England
Presentation (PDF) │Cyber-SHIP Lab Annual Symposium, Hybrid event, 21-22.10.2021
Collaborative projects portfolio
The Development of a Cyber Safety Culture
Collaborative projects portfolio
The Cyber-MAR Project: First Results and Perspectives on the Use of Hybrid Cyber Ranges for Port Risk Assessment
Data & Data Assurance. He talked about maritime cyber security
The H2020 Cyber-MAR project: Cyber preparedness actions for a holistic approach and awareness raising in the MARitime logistics supply chain and beyond
Securing our ships in a cyber-world
Enhanced Transparency: Improving Maritime Cyber Governance
Human factors in maritime cyber security
Assessing the effectiveness of cybersecurity training and raising awareness within the maritime domain
Cyber-MAR: An Innovative Simulation Environment
Cyber-security training platform on realistic maritime logistics scenarios
Monica Canepa (WMU)
Presentation (PDF) │ DEVPORT Conference, virtual, 15-16.10.2020
Building a Virtual Maritime Logistics Cybersecurity Training Platform
mR. Harri Pyykkö (VTT)
Presentation (PDF) │ HICL 2020, virtual, 23-25.09.2020
Cyber-security training platform on realistic maritime logistics scenarios
Prof. Dimitrios Dalaklis (WMU)
Presentation (PDF) │ International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference 2020, Virtual, 10-12.06.2020
Towards Secure Ports: Leveraging National Cyber-Security Centres to Improve Security
Dr Kemedi Moara-Nkwe (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ Riviera Maritime Cybersecurity Week Webinar, 17.03.2020
Cyber preparedness actions for a holistic approach and awareness raising in the MARitime logistics supply chain (Cyber-MAR)
Dr Giannis Karaseitanidis (ICCS)
Presentation (PDF) │ 5th ICT Security World Conference, Athens, Greece, 14.11.2019
Marine Cyber Threats research group
Prof Nathan Clarke and Mr Steve Rice, University of Plymouth, Plymouth
Presentation (PDF) │Marine and Maritime Cyber Security in MBTC, Plymouth, 05.11.2019
Cyber-SHIP: Developing Next Generation Maritime Cyber Research Capabilities
Prof. Kevin Jones, University of Plymouth, Plymouth
Presentation (PDF) │ICMET Oman 2019, Muscat, 07.11.2019
A Cyber Security Review of Emerging Technology in the Maritime Industry
Prof. Kevin Jones, University of Plymouth, Plymouth
Presentation (PDF) │NAŠE MORE 2019 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 17-18.10.2019
Maritime Cyber Research at the University of Plymouth
Mr. Kevin Forsaw, University of Plymouth, Plymouth
Presentation (PDF) │ The SmartShip Exchange in Athens, Greece, 10-11.10.2019
EU H2020 Cyber MAR project: Cyber security in Maritime Onshore facility
Mrs. Monica Canepa, World Maritime University, Sweden
Presentation (PDF) │ 3rd GMN International conference, World Maritime University in Malmö, Sweden, 08-10.10.2019
Improving Cybersecurity Preparedness in the Maritime Logistics Industry
Harri Pyykkö VTT, Finland
Presentation (PDF) │The Baltic Seas International Maritime Conference 2019, Turku, Finland, 24-25.09.2019
Special Interested Sessions
Vessel and Port Cyber Attack Scenarios Preparedness and Resilience
Ms. Chloe Rowland (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 16.02.2023
Improving Maritime Digital Skills Turning Research into Operational Practices
Mr. Rory Hopcraft (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ All Party Parliamentary Group on maritime cyber security – UK Government, 07.10.2022
Raising the Standard of Maritime Voyage Data Recorder Security
Mr. Rory Hopcraft and Ms. Avanthika Vineetha(UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ CyberSHIP Annual Symposium 2022, 26-27.10.2022
Port of New York Cyber-Attack Scenario
Mr. Kevin Jones (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ Department for Transport US/UK Trade Mission, 26-27.09.2022
Cyber-MAR: A Real World Attack Scenario
Mr Steve Rice, Dr Kimberly Tam, Rory Hopcraft, Avanthika Vineetha Harish, Juan Palbar Misas, Wesley Andrews, David Barrett (UoP)
Presentation (PDF) │ MAS AIMSEC 22’ WORKSHOP, 13.09.2022
Technical Papers
Future of Maritime Autonomy: Cybersecurity, Trust and Mariner’s Situation Awareness
Juan Dorje Palbar Misas, Rory Hopcraft and Dr Kimberly Tam (UoP)
Paper (PDF) (DOI/Zenodo)│ International Ship Control Systems Symposium (iSCSS 2022), Netherlands
Evaluation of monetary impacts of cyber-attacks on global supply chains in port
Mr. Harri Pyykkö (VTT), Dr. Ville Hinkka (VTT), Dr. Kemedi Moara-Kkwe (UoP)
Paper abstract (PDF) (DOI/Zenodo) │ Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (2022)
Cyber-MAR dynamic Awareness Raising – An Integrated Maritime Cyber Risk Management Approach
M. Canepa (WMU), R. Hopcraft (UoP), S. Karamperidis (UoP), F. Ballini (WMU)
Article (PDF) (DOI/Zenodo)│ International Association of Maritime Economists Conference 2022 (IAME Conference 2022), September 2022, Busan, Korea
Design and proof of concept of a prediction engine for decision support during cyber range attack simulations in the maritime domain
Markos Antonopoulos, Giorgos Drainakis, Eletherios Ouzounoglou,Giorgos Papavassiliou, Angelos Amditis (ICCS)
Article (PDF) (DOI/Zenodo) │ 2022 IEEE CSR Workshop on Cyber Ranges and Security Training (CRST), July 2022, Online
Cyber-MAR Awareness Raising – An Integrated Maritime Cyber Risk Management Approach
M. Canepa (WMU), R. Hopcraft (UoP), S. Karamperidis (UoP), F. Ballini (WMU)
Article (PDF) (DOI/Zenodo) │ International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2021 Conference ‘Accelerating Transitions’ (IAME 2021)
The Development of a Cyber Safety Culture
The Cyber-MAR Project: First Results and Perspectives on the Use of Hybrid Cyber Ranges for Port Cyber Risk Assessment
Enhanced Transparency: Improving Maritime Cyber Governance
Assessing the effectiveness of cybersecurity training and raising awareness within the maritime domain
A conceptual cyber-risk assessment of port infrastructure
Effectiveness of cybersecurity training and awareness raising within the maritime logistics domain
Building a Virtual Maritime Logistics Cybersecurity Training Platform
Cyber-security training platform on realistic maritime logistics scenarios
Monica Canepa, Fabio Ballini, Dimitrios Dalaklis, Seyedvahid Vakili (WMU), Amditis Angelos, Baroutas George, Sdongos Evangelos (ICCS), Palla Vasiliki, Krikigianni Elena, Latsa Evangelia (SEAB)
Extended Abstract (PDF) (DOI/Zenodo)│ International Association of Maritime Economists Conference on “Sustainable Development of Shipping and Trade”, June 10-13, 2020, virtual.
The Cyber Threat Preparedness in the Maritime Logistics Industry
Harri Pyykköa*, Jarkko Kuusijärvib Bilhanan Silverajanc, Ville Hinkkaa , VTT
Article (PDF) (DOI/Zenodo) │ Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland