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One of the objectives of Cyber-MAR is to cover the training needs for all professionals (cyber-security/IT experts but also non-IT-expert personnel of ports, shipping operators and linked entities influenced by possible cascading effects) and most importantly also to raise the cyber-threat awareness level within those organizations by hands-on training. The courses will be available at different levels of complexity (entry, intermediate, advanced) in order to attract trainees with various levels of experience.

The A004 training course is designed to give a high-level overview of the Piraeus Pilot port scenario implementation, illustrating how different components of the Cyber-MAR solution are integrated allowing the platform to simulate a complex cyber-attack to the Port Container Terminal, and its impact to the port operations.

The A005 training course is designed to show the pilot scenario of a cyber attack to a vessel navigation and automation systems. It will demonstrate how various elements of the Cyber-MAR system are integrated allowing the platform to model a complex cyber-attack, and its impacts. The attack will also demonstrate how, regardless of security practices in place, an attack can propagate from shore-based systems to the control systems on board a large vessel causing a loss of control.

Both courses are intended to present a hypothetical real scenario with its consequences. The ultimate objective is to make learners conscious of the possible damages caused by a cyber-attack.

Wednesday 8th of February 2023, 10:15 – 10:45 (CET) 

[A004] -Lesson learned from Cyber-MAR pilots: SCADA system in Port Container terminal:

The registration must be submitted online before 06st Februrary 2023, 18:00 (CET).

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Wednesday 8th of February 2023, 11:00 – 11:30 (CET) 

[A005] -Lesson learned from Cyber-MAR pilots: Vessel navigation and automation systems:

The registration must be submitted online before 06st Februrary 2023, 18:00 (CET).

You can join us here.

Upon your registration you will receive an email with the connection details.

By clicking “Register”, you confirm that you have read and agreed to our Privacy Policy here.