The Baltic Seas International Maritime Conference, Finland
September 24, 2019 - September 25, 2019
The Baltic Seas International Maritime Conference was organised by the University of Turku, Kotka Maritime Research Centre and the University of Le Havre, in order to inform all the participants about the latest innovations and developments in maritime studies, technological advancements, sea borne logistics, and port operations. This conference constituted a unique experience to exchange ideas and encourage collaboration with colleagues from academia.
Mr. Harri Pyykkö from VTT, as representative of the Cyber-MAR Consortium, participated in the event with a presentation entitled as “Improving Cybersecurity preparedness in the Maritime Logistics Industry”.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no 833389. Content reflects only the authors’ view and European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.